Foreign Rights

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As an independent publishing house, L'Atalante has been publishing novels from all over the world since 1989.

Our central collection is "La Dentelle du Cygne": dedicated to fantasy, science fiction and fantastic (SFFF), this collection highlights French and foreign novels. With "La Dentelle du Cygne", reading is not only dreaming, laughing, reflecting, but also going off the beaten track, renewing your vision of the world, taking action...

Our other collections are listed under the following categories:

- “FUSION”: crime novels

- “Romans, etc.”: general literature

- “Bibliothèque de la Chamaille”: theatre

- “Comme un accordéon”: non-fiction

- “Flambant 9”: graphic novels

- “Le Maedre”: middle grade and YA-fiction

Feel free to browse our online catalogue of all titles available for foreign language editions and find detailed information, press reviews and / or sample translations. Please do not hesitate to contact us or our representative in your home country; we will be pleased to provide you with additional information or send you some reading copies.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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Foreign Rights - Sales
Droits dérivés et de reproduction - Subsidiary rights and Permissions
Droits audiovisuels - Film rights
Foreign Rights - Acquisitions
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