Fabrice Colin
Fabrice Colin was born in the Paris region of France in 1972.
From his studies at a school of international commerce he emerged with a marked penchant for American literature and the conviction that the so-called marvellous world of applied marketing is not as wonderful as it makes out to be. Conscientious objector in the Secours Populaire in 1995, he met Stephane Marsan when he was starting up the Mnemos publishing company. A project was aired for a novel: this became Neuvième Cycle (the Ninth Cycle) a contemporary, rather post-adolescent thriller.
Then followed twelve novels and some works for younger readers. The author has also worked with France Culture to produce several radio plays.
With the graphic artist Laurent Cilluffo, he wrote the scenario for World Trade Angels (Denoël Graphic, September 2006).  
Fabrice Colin lives in Paris with his wife and two children.

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