Episode 4: L’homme cassé (The broken man)
Who are the Chimeras? Symbols of the Severac dynasty materialised?Mythical beings from the distant beginnings of time?
At the Radium Institute, with the rediscovery of the burning chamber,Irene Joliot-Curie can now investigate these metaphysical questions, whilebeneath the city streets of Paris, the Vampyre gang makes a conspicuouscomeback.
Episode 5: Bonanniversaire docteur Séverac (Happy birthday Doctor Severac)
Invited by George Spadto a private dinner at the Royal Monceau, Jean Severac learns of the existenceof a mysterious “club” that tracks the evolution of “superscientific” powerstruggles in Europe. The reappearance of Xenobie, an extraterrestrial creaturethat had already terrorised the capital in 1930, gives him the chance towholeheartedly accept his double nature and end this birthday night with aflourish.
World English Rights: Titan Comics