Serge Lehman, Fabrice Colin, Gess
La brigade chimérique VI
Épisode 10 : La Tête arrive - Épilogue : Le grand Nocturne
La Brigade chimérique


This album completes the saga on the demise of the European super heroes.


French writers again take on super heroes successfully. The most inspiring project comes from Atalante, a Nantes publishing house, which has frankly tackled the question head-on: what became of the European super heroes? Lehman, Colin and Gess'  answer is La Brigade chimérique, a six-album serial that brings to life  authentic super heroes of early 20th century popular literature - now forgotten : Passe-Muraille, Nyctalope, Accélérateur, etc. A work in comic format with carefully detailed graphics and a narrative which poses this question: what if the disappearance of the super heroes were linked to a defeatist complex?


Thibaut Dary, Figaro Magazine, 22 April 2010.


Episode 10: La Tête arrive (The Head arrives)

In Warsaw, George Spad attempts to accomplish her life-saving mission and in return endures the wrath of a living cloud. During this time, in Metropolis, the Chimeric Brigade dismembers the Skulls but Doctor Mabuse and his gang have a trump card up their sleeve. The road to the Apocalypse is now open.


Epilogue: Le grand Nocturne (The long night)

As one era ends another begins. A sage from the olden days speaks of mourning. A scarcely uttered promise is given. There is a command: "Win this war." This is all that remains to be done.



As promised right from the start, we are present at the collapse of a continent where, from now on, the "superman" will be a representative of evil. Our last great heroes cross the Atlantic and those that stay, like those that enlist, from now on have no powers but their courage and their spirit of resistance. As Golem says in the epilogue, looking towards the west: "The magic is moving away. Super science. Little matters what it is called."

La Brigade chimérique is more than mere fiction. It is an archaeological dive into the heart of the mutilated imagination of Europe. An attempt to reconstruct what happened to us 70 years ago - to understand how we lost the Homeric power of expressing our values in the mythological form.

With, perhaps, the hope that this confrontation may help to restore that broken link.

La Brigade chimérique
October 21, 2010
Grand format
11 €
25 x 16 cm

Rights Sold

World English Rights: Titan Comics

China: Ginkgo

Film Rights: Sacrebleu Production

Digital reading copy