The Panca Brotherhood
Humanity is in danger and the Panca intend to save it by reforming the five-link chain or pancatvique by connecting the âmnas.
In each book we get to know the "brother-" or "sister-link" amplified by the âmnas of the preceding links, and we follow their adventures through the galaxy and as prey to be tracked by the enemies of the Brotherhood. But what criteria does the Brotherhood use to unite the links in a chain? Has it unravelled the mysteries of time and space? And is it really the saviour of humanity?
Five volumes are scheduled.
The first volume, Frère Ewen was published in November 2007.
Sister Ynolde (Second volume)
On the planet Phaïstos, Ynolde has found the âmna - the essential implant - of Brother Ewen, her father. Having become the second link in the chain, she receives the order from the Brotherhood to leave in search of the third brother on one of the twin planets, Zidea and Faoul, in the distant system of Tau du Kolpter.
On the planet Jnandir, Silf is finishing his training as a professional hit man when the naked priests of Sât, arrive at Thanaüm, his school, to offer the Thanaütes the difficult task of preventing the reconstruction of the five-link chain of the Panca Brotherhood.