Soeur Onden (Sister Onden)
Humanity is in danger and the Panca Brotherhood intend to save it by re-forming a five-link chain or pancatvique; the fifth brother, the end of the chain, will engage in the final combat benefiting from the energy of the other four links.
Onden, benefiting from the energy from the âmnas of the three previous links and in permanent communication with the aliens who have taken possession of her, must find a way of reaching the Tarz Alpha system where there has been a breakdown in contact and hand over to the first brother in the chain.
At the same time the hunt for the Panca Brotherhood continues and two mercenaries have been ordered to locate and infiltrate it. But how to proceed against something that may have no real existence?
Onden finds safety in embarking incognito aboard the Odysseus, an exploration vessel sent by the universal Parliament to explore the Perseus Arm and to renew contact with the human communities already settled there.
In one of these, a young boy, who has ability to time-travel, goes back along a chronological path to meet the person that has for ever haunted his dreams...
After Ewen's voyage in real time, Ynolde's quantum leap transfers and Kalkin's supra-luminary transportation, it becomes clear that it is absolutely necessary to be free from the limitations of time and space.