Jean-Claude Dunyach
Jean-Claude Dunyach, born in 1957, has a Ph.D. in applied mathematics and supercomputing. He works for Airbus France in Toulouse.
He has been writing science fiction since the beginning of the 1980s, and has already published seven novels and six collections of short stories, garnering the French Science-Fiction award in 1983 and two Rosny Ainé Award in 1992, as well as the “Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire” and Prix Ozone in 1997.
The short story “Déchiffrer la trame” (“Unravelling the thread”) won the “Prix de l'Imaginaire 1998” and “Prix Rosny 1998” and was elected “best story of the year” by the Interzone magazine readers.
His latest novel, “Etoiles Mourantes” (“Dying Stars”), written in collaboration with the famous French writer Ayerdhal, won the “Grand Prix de la Tour Eiffel” in 1999 as well as the “Prix Ozone”. It is published by the French editor J'ai lu, as well as “Etoiles Mortes”, Prix Rosny 1992. “Etoiles Mourantes” was also published in Italy by Fanucci (“Stelle Morenti”).
Jean-Claude Dunyach also writes lyrics for several French singers, which served as an inspiration for one of his novels about a rock and roll singer touring in Antarctica with a zombie philharmonic orchestra...

Jean-Claude Dunyach's short stories have been translated into English, Italien, Czech and Bulgarian. A complete anthology has been published in the USA.


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