Humanity is in danger and the Panca intend to save it by reforming the five-link chain or pancatvique by connecting the âmnas. In each book we get to know the "brother-" or "sister-link" amplified by the âmnas of the preceding links, and we follow their adventures through countries that can be either backward or technologically advanced, at war or at peace, hostile or friendly. The fifth brother, the end of the chain, will engage in the final combat benefiting from the energy of the other four links. But what criteria does the Brotherhood use to unite the links in a chain? Has it unravelled the mysteries of timeand space?
The Space Opera is a generously epic genre that suits Bordage down to the ground. He can draw on his fertile imagination and reveal his joy of telling a tale. But for Pierre Bordage, the Space Opera is not just a simple, even slightly sophisticated novel about space adventure. He reworks age-old myths and invents new myths of the future. And most of all, the dangers of the universe are confronted by people of meagre means that society scorns and manipulates.