"Willingly swept along by these hectic adventures, we endeavour to unravel the threads of the story. A narrative that cleverly makes use of both fantasy and piracy.

We look forward to the third volume..."

La revue des livres pour enfants


"The reader is confronted with vulnerable and distressed heroes, and, like them, hopes for a favourable outcome. The author brings his central characters to life by paving their way with delights and obstacles both large and small.

A thrilling and passionate narrative with charismatic heroes, this second volume of the Quête d'Espérance fulfils the demands of the reader after the first really exciting book. Johan Héliot makes the plot advance along new lines towards a finale not to be missed, at the same time not particularly making it easy for his characters."



"The first volume of the Quête d'Espérance created a world that is more fully developed here, with characters that gain in substance and a breathtaking rhythm... Our only wish is that the conclusion of this trilogy will be of the same sort: an absorbing and entertaining novel."

Le cafard cosmique


"The real high point of the series, apart from its engaging characters, has been, for a young-adult novel, its very original, elaborately developed world. This third volume confirms the trend and provides us with answers to all the questions raised. [...]

The Quête d'Espérance is a young-adult series I would totally recommend. Easy to read and enchanting, it can without doubt give a young person a taste for reading. All in all, very good young-adult literature. It's a pity that it's come to an end; I'd like to go back there... If you are looking for a present for your little nephew or cousin, this is it!"

dabYo, Ifisdead

Published at February 24, 2011