Around the chair
A collection of short stories using the hairdressing salon as its theme.
These short stories are mainly written from the hairdresser's point of view and go from the caustic to the romantic. The themes reflect the realities of the job - financial difficulties, fear of competition, an abusive boss, an unbearable kid, a stressed-out wife... but Anthony Galifot also deals in fantasy - a passion for pony tails, the Fastcut that could destroy the profession -, and he has an amazing gift for the punchline.
The reader discovers the other side of the mirror: hairdressers, what they are like and how they see us; without impairing the narrative, the incidents and gestures of the trade are fascinating. And zooming in on our attitudes in these public places where we expect a certain discretion is happily challenging, as we move from embarrassment to laughter.
"My hair grows more quickly around my ears!"
"I've got the feeling that the more my hair falls out on top, the more it grows on my neck!"
"I'd like to change the way my hair looks, but I don't want to dye it and please don't cut off more than a centimetre."
"Do you think that my chignon will last all evening?"