"With Le Mystère olphite Carina Rozenfeld reveals her ability to write in a way that is both brilliant and promising, wise and pensive, poetic and endearing.
Atalante adds here a new jewel in the crown of its young people's literature collection, Le Maedre. A real success." Khimaira
"Carina Rozenfeld is an endearing and promising author. We are really looking forward to her next novel."
"Lodged somewhere between Voltaire's philosophical tales and 2001, A Space Odyssey, Le Mystère Olphite creates a thrilling narrative, where the main character soon reveals his engaging personality. In fact we follow his different adventures with interest. There are his many surprising encounters (with homeless people, a charming young girl called Sirius and Professor Hermann, the Olphite Discoverer...) and his attempts to get acclimatised to a world that is in the end not really his, but to which he really wants to belong. Younger readers will certainly get something out of this book."
Denis Labbé, lefantastique.net
"In short: A wonderful find, again!! Irrestible!!" fildediane.wordpress.com
"What sparkling intelligence and riches can be found in this book! Forcing us reflect on the future of humanity, on its past and on its misdeeds, this book tells a magnificent story and vigorously describes the discrimination and hateful jealousy that a human being can experience. A well-constructed story, with interchanging characters, that hides its secrets. At the end of the novel we discover a wonderful world which makes us feel that this world of ours may vanish one day. Such a wonderful world, yet it is the one we live in.
Lovely descriptions, beautiful places, marvellous images that remain with us after reading this novel.
Joy, pain, anger, sadness, jealousy... a novel overflowing with tenderness and beautiful images - certainly a must-read!"
"The real force of the book is its poetical aspect demonstrated in the dream-like voyage of our heroes. The author has no difficulty in maintaining our belief in the concept of telepathy with her exciting, flowing style. The novel lacks neither rhythm nor emotion and thrills us throughout. What is more, I thought it was a good idea to put book or newspaper extracts before each chapter to explain the mystery of the Olphites a little better.
With this book the author highlights several interesting themes such as sect power and human folly when faced with diversity.
To sum up: An excellent book for young people who haven't read SF before. I myself enjoyed reading a work with poetic style and credible, engaging characters, despite there being a rather classic plot."
"Carina Rozenfeld's novel starts fast and furious, and keeps up the pace for nearly 300 pages. [...]
Also to be appreciated is the richness of the Olphite world described by the chapter headings and lead-ins taken from varied sources and cleverly linked to the development of the narrative. It seems that the reading of Frank Herbert's "Dune" has created an emulator...
A book for younger readers, but one that older readers will certainly enjoy, as you might have guessed!"