Carina Rozenfeld has invented an exceptional and complex world. A brilliant series crammed with poetry worthy of the very best fantasy novels. [...]
There are twists and suspense, fantasy worlds we travel through and an absolutely sensational unexpected ending - a real cliff-hanger. Let's have the sequel!
La voix du livre
A well-depicted world we get totally immersed in, as do the heroes in the story.
M.-A.P., La Revue des Livres pour Enfants
A nice stylistic exercise, where Carina Rozenfeld creates an extra time line in which events take place with numerous similarities but also many differences. [...]
As it is written in such a pleasant style, this book can be read really quickly. And the glimmers of hope appearing at the end of the story mean that you can wait calmly for the publication of the third and last volume of the trilogy!
Soleil, Les Chroniques de l'Imaginaire
What is so great here is that the author plays with her readers. Like the Mia of the interstices they know their past, and what has gone on before, and consequently they can experience the evolution of what happens next. Let's be clear, we are the playthings of a new creation, but oh so new, breathless and frustrating. Let me explain: reading about other possibilities, new lines of development, is great, it's fantastic and very pleasant but nothing gives any clue as to what will happen in the last book, groans the reader!
To be enjoyed in excess...
Céline Le Couëdic-Doffémont, Boojum
The action rushes along in this second volume; jumping from one revelation to the next, there is no chance to catch our breath. [...]
So La guerre de l'ombre is a very good sequel, it will certainly thrill all those who want to join in the adventure, from early teens to older age groups. We look forward to the third and last volume: les cracheurs de lumière, available in Spring 2012.