Well, naturally enough, we have all the usual elements that make up a good young-adult book, parts that make us laugh, a story of love at first sight, which will certainly please a lot of girls, plus magical power, and that extra something not always found in other novels: the possibility of sharing the gift of magic, which the heroine does with pleasure. Accordingly love, kindness, joy and sharing all find their place here.[...]
So, a worthy young-adult novel which I am sure will have no trouble winning over teenagers' hearts!
Julien, over-booked.net
It's wonderful to take pleasure in discovering this multiple universe, so beautiful, lively and colourful in every aspect, yet whose mysteries are not all revealed. The inventions of the author are amazingly various, all the more so as it's clear her ideas are far from exhausted in this first half. Certain half-glimpsed elements in the story fuel just one desire: to follow in hot pursuit so that we can see them in their full glory.
Art and creation are the main components of the story and can be felt right at the heart of the narrative: with Ms Rozenfeld's expertise, the grace of the animals, the light which emanates from Mia or the magnificence of the settings are set against stark and sombre scenes that are equally as aesthetic. So with awe and emotion the reader follows the trail, always hoping to discover more, and longingly waiting for the moment when the heroine at last finds her heart's desire so that she can save her world from destruction.
Carina Rozenfeld succeeds in giving life to these engaging characters and makes a fascinating universe real. This is a fabulous land of adventure that one has difficulty in leaving. There is one consolation however: the second volume should be in the bookshops in the first half of 2011.
I have always loved young-adult literature for its gentleness, joyfulness and its particular driving force, and this is what I have also found in Carina Rozenfeld's work. This new opus also confirms my feeling that I am truly affected by her stories. [...]
I was totally carried along by the story - or rather, got carried off by it.
And I've just one more thing to say on the matter: the sequel, please!
Lalex, feuillesdevelours