From Town to Technocosm
Xavier Bonnaud, a professor at the School of Architecture in Clermont-Ferrand, has worked as an architect for more than twenty years in the Paris region. With the help of his experience and wide reading he has immersed himself in our world which is constantly undergoing renewal by the means of technology. By questioning this new environment - an assembly of networks, functions and places that furnishes our existence and aids our pursuit of achievement - Xavier Bonnaud suggests we reflect on the impact of the increasing technicity of our lives. And a question arises from these ideas: why, with all his technical genius, does man build for himself cities which are immediately so inhospitable?
A "sociological" work in that it is anchored in reality, which also treats the philosophy of urbanism, From Town to Technocosm ultimately questions the development of humanity: because there is no alternative to the urban world, will man know how to inject a grain of hope into it?