After being initially employed in the field of health and social welfare, then as a research analyst during her studies, Veronique Guienne has worked in universities since 1990, firstly as a docent in Paris for more than ten years and then since 2001 as a professor in Nantes.
Apart from her teaching activities, her student research programmes at Master and Doctorate level being very important to her, over the past ten years she has headed two multidisciplinary research programmes: one with Jean Danet, a jurist, "Public politics and problem populations", concerning public action towards the homeless, prostitutes and travelling people; the other with Gérard Dabouis, a hospital doctor, "ETHIS", on the questions of ethics and health.
Bibliography (an extract)
Sauver, laisser mourir, faire mourir (To save, let die, make die), PUR, Rennes, 2010.
La vente de soi, Du management à la prostitution (The selling of self: From management to prostitution), Liber, Montréal, 2007.
L'Injustice sociale, l'Action publique en questions (Social injustice: Public action in questions), Erès, Toulouse, 2006.
Action publique et prostitution (Public action and prostitution), PUR, Rennes, 2006.