Pierre Pelot was born in 1945 in the Vosges, a region he is deeply attached
to. Starting his writing career at an early age, he published his first narrative in
1966, the first volume in a series of Dylan Stark Westerns (not unlike Blueberry, a
graphic book hero, that Pierre Pelot had not yet read). This bulimic writer is able
to publish several novels a year, of excellent quality.
Today Pierre Pelot has published more than 170 novels in his own name or
under the nom-de-plume Pierre Suragne, some translated into over 20
languages. He explores all genres: the western, science fiction, fantasy (notably
Konnar le Barbant, a parody of Conan le Barbare), fantastic literature, detective
novels, prehistory (notably Le rève de Lucy and the cycle of Sous les vents du monde, in
collaboration with Yves Coppens), general literature (currently with Héloïse
D'Ormesson) and, of course, literature for the younger reader with titles like La
Passante (1999), Le Pays des rivières sans nom (1973), Les Aventures de Victor
Piquelune and also L'Expédition perdue (1994).
His website: http://pagesperso-orange.fr/pierre.pelot/